One of our most recent customers came to us with a plan and a question. She had her design already planned - an elegant twist with a very special center sparkle - and wanted to know how we could provide her with that most elusive of Diamonds - the Argyle Pink Diamond. Immensely rare and fast becoming impossible to find, these are Diamonds that will not be available for much longer. Their mines are running out and Pink Diamonds of quality are hard to come by.
Luckily Tremonti specialises in a range of Pink diamonds, and with a variety of carat weights available, our clever customer was able to find one to suit her design and budget. Platinum as its metal was the obvious choice - it is luxurious, rare and incredibly durable. But the process didn't end there! For, you see, this is a very special ring indeed...
Karin Tremonti suggested that our lovely lady's design be modified - for this ring was to be her Wedding Ring, and the Engagement ring was another matter entirely. To save on cost, time and the danger of having clashing bands (and getting more wear out of the often-overlooked engagement ring), a matching engagement ring was made to lock perfectly against the wedding ring. Both rings look beautiful on their own or in a pair - congratulations!