Friday, January 20, 2012

Gemstones of all kinds


Australian Opal is one of the most extraordinary Gemstones you will see. The vibrant and flashing colours make them unique to every other gemstone.

Some say that they are bad luck... They can be affected by temperature and how they are stored. They do not like to be taken from hot to cold too quickly. But if you care for your Opal, it will continue to dazzle.

Karin Tremonti believes that yes, Diamonds  do sparkle; but an Opal lives. Each stone's dancing colours are never identical so you can be sure you have a piece that is unique in every right.

It would be unjust not to mention the exquiste quality of Diamonds that we have to offer. While we may have a brilliant and sparkling collection of White Diamonds; we do not solely deal in these. We specialise in Coloured Diamonds.

From extraordinary Pinks, rich Cognacs, scintilating Yellows, and the ever unusual Black Diamond. There is a stone here that will be the answer to every desire.

Come and visit our Studio-Gallery at 638 Kiewa Street, Albury NSW and be dazzled, inspired and tempted by Jewellery and Gemstone Collections that stand apart from EVERYTHING ordinary.

We also have an online shop. All you have to do is go to:

Please call us on +61 2 6041 6310

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